Grace Wu

New Jazz, KPOP, Girl's Hip Hop

舞蹈风格:New Jazz, KPOP, Girl’s Hip Hop

Grace 老师自小学习舞蹈,包括拉丁舞,中国舞。从2004年起开始学习街舞,在国内有参与各种街舞比赛并曾获得大学生街舞比赛团体舞冠军。参与各种学校及商业演出,舞台经验丰富。10年以上的街舞教学经验,以及有丰富的婚礼舞蹈编舞经验。同时也是墨尔本网红舞蹈团Rainbow Dance Crew的队长。


– 2005第二届安踏街舞比赛齐舞冠军
– 2006动感地带全国大学生街舞华南赛区齐舞冠军
– 2007 Nike大学生街舞比赛齐舞冠军


– 2010 林俊杰粉丝见面会表演嘉宾
– 2010 TVB全球华人歌唱比赛表演嘉宾以及歌手伴舞
– 2011 TVB全球华人歌唱比赛开场舞编舞以及歌手伴舞
– 2011&2013 墨尔本小姐舞蹈表演嘉宾

– 2015 墨尔本歌手Paris圣诞节演唱会伴舞&香港歌手尹光墨尔本演唱会伴舞
– 2017 墨尔本歌手Linda个人演唱会伴舞- 2017 中国南航20周年庆典表演嘉宾
– 2019 墨尔本华裔小姐表演嘉宾及编舞
– 2019 Hawthorn Hotel KPOP Night 表演嘉宾

Grace started learn dancing since young including Chinese dance and Latin Dance. She started to learn Hip hop since 2004 and participated in a lot of competitions and performances at university. Her dance group won the 1st place in a couple of Hip Hop dance competitions in China.

Here are more about Grace:
-10+ years teaching experience at various types of dance
-Wedding dance/commercial performance choreography
-Experience of back up dancing choreography
-Leader of one of the Melbourne’s Dance Crew: Rainbow Dance Crew @rainbowcrewofficial .

Performance experiences in Melbourne
-2010 JJ Lin Fans meeting guest show
-2010/2011 TVB Chinese singing competition guest show and back up dancer
-2011/2013 Miss Melbourne guest show
-2015 Melbourne singer Paris Christmas concert back up dancer
-2015 Hong Kong singer Jackson Wan Kwong Melbourne concert back up dancer
-2017 Melbourne sing Linda concert back up dancer
-2018 China Southern Airline 20th anniversary celebration night guest show
-2019 Melbourne Miss Chinese performance choreographer and guest show
-2019 Hawthorn Hotel KPOP night guest show